Process termination


Under Unix a process terminates normally either when it gets to the end of the main() function, or if it calls on the exit() function call, which in turn calls on exit handlers that are registered via atexit() and then run the system call _exit(). exit() provides its exit code via its return variable. When _exit() runs the kernel closes all open file descriptors held by the process, reparents any children processes to the init process (PID 1) and then sends the signal SIGCHILD to all its children processes. The child processes become known as orphan processes.

If a child process exits before its parent process, not all of its resources will be freed until the parent process waits on the child process. The parent does this by calling on the wait() and waitpid() functions; once it finishes waiting for the child process to exit, only then can all its resources can be freed fully. Any child process that has exited but has not been waited on by its parent is called a zombie process. The only way to fully terminate a zombie is by making the parent wait on the termination status of the process, or alternatively the parent must be terminated in order to change the process from a zombie to an orphan, which then reparents the process with PID 1 - once this reparenting occurs init waits on the process which then allows it to be terminated (or reaped) properly.

The original Unix architects had a particularly ghoulish sense of humour when you think of it - if you kill a parent process then the children become orphans that are adopted by the initial parent process. If you kill a child process and the parent is not expecting it to die, the child becomes a zombie. If the parent then dies, this zombie becomes an orphan, is reparented to the init process, which then reaps the process to terminate it fully. It's interesting to note that signals are sent to processes via the kill() system call (or the kill command)...

The other way that a process can terminate is abnormally, via the abort() system call. abort() sends a SIGABRT signal to the process and must be processed - it cannot be blocked or ignored. There are other signals that can be sent to the process, these are:

  • SIGTERM - signals program termination, and is what kill uses by default. This signal can be blocked, handled or ignored.

  • SIGQUIT - the quit signal allows a program to terminate and produces a core dump for later examination. This signal can be blocked, handled or ignored.

  • SIGKILL - tells the program to immediately terminate, and is considered a fatal error as it can't be ignored or blocked. This is the signal that the infamous kill -9 command sends.

  • SIGHUP - the "hang up" signal, so called because it informs the process that the user's controlling terminal has been disconnected. This signal is so called because in the days of mainframes, actual terminals were connected to the mainframe via a serial cable, but often a modem was used and the signal was sent if there was a line disconnection, or more frequently when the user hung up the modem. This signal can be ignored, which is what the nohup program does. When all the a SIGHUP signal is sent to all jobs (defined as "a set of processes, comprising a shell pipeline, and any processes descended from it, that are all in the same process group") by the session leader process, and once all the process groups have ended the session leader process terminates itself.

Unix termination function

The termination function is implemented in osl_terminateProcess() - it is quite simple in that it merely calls on the POSIX kill() function, and sends the SIGKILL signal to the process. If the signal is processed, then osl_Process_E_None is returned, if not then it checks what the error is and advises that the process cannot be found (errno is ESRCH, returning osl_Process_E_NotFound), permissions were denied to terminate the process (errnois EPERM, returned osl_Process_E_No_Permission), or the termination process failure reason is unknown (returns osl_ProcessE_Unknown).

Sidenote: I am a bit opinionated on this one. I don't think we should call on SIGKILL, I think we should use SIGTERM so that we can handle the signal. We don't seem to have any code that needs this though, so it remains SIGKILL.

oslProcessError SAL_CALL osl_terminateProcess(oslProcess Process)
    if (Process == nullptr)
        return osl_Process_E_Unknown;

    if (kill(static_cast<oslProcessImpl*>(Process)->m_pid, SIGKILL) != 0)
        switch (errno)
            case EPERM:
                return osl_Process_E_NoPermission;

            case ESRCH:
                return osl_Process_E_NotFound;

                return osl_Process_E_Unknown;

    return osl_Process_E_None;


On Windows a process is terminated after either TerminateProcess() or ExitProcess() is called, or the final thread is terminated. If ExitProcess() is called, then each attached dll has its entrypoint called (DLLPROCESSDETACH) indicating that the process is detaching from the dll. This does not occur when TerminateProcess() is called. Unlike Unix, however, a child process does not need to be reparented, and does not make the parent process wait.

Windows termination function

The Windows termination function is somewhat more involved than the Unix version. Like in Unix version, the termination function is implemented in osl_terminate_Process() , _however we want to avoid the use of TerminateProcess() so that we can ensure an orderly process shutdown. _

Step 1: validate process identity is correct

oslProcessError SAL_CALL osl_terminateProcess(oslProcess Process)
    if (Process == nullptr)
        return osl_Process_E_Unknown;

    HANDLE hProcess = static_cast<oslProcessImpl*>(Process)->m_hProcess;
    DWORD dwPID = GetProcessId(hProcess);

    // cannot be System Process (0x00000000)
    if (dwPID == 0x0)
        return osl_Process_E_InvalidError;

Step 2: ensure that we can access the other process to terminate it - we need to have the ability to create a new thread, have the ability to query the access token of the process, have the ability to operate in the process' virtual address space and read and write within it.

    HANDLE hDupProcess = nullptr;

                                    | PROCESS_VM_WRITE | PROCESS_VM_READ);

    BOOL bHaveDuplHdl = DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(),    // handle to process that has handle
                                    hProcess,                   // handle to be duplicated
                                    GetCurrentProcess(),        // process that will get the dup handle
                                    &hDupProcess,               // store duplicate process handle here
                                    dwAccessFlags,              // desired access
                                    FALSE,                      // handle can't be inherited
                                    0);                         // zero means no additional action needed

    if (bHaveDuplHdl)
        hProcess = hDupProcess;     // so we were able to duplicate the handle, all good...
        SAL_WARN("sal.osl", "Could not duplicate process handle, let's hope for the best...");

Step 3: if the process is running, then create a new thread in this process and call on ExitProcess() in this thread.

    DWORD dwProcessStatus = 0;
    HANDLE hRemoteThread = nullptr;

    if (GetExitCodeProcess(hProcess, &dwProcessStatus) && (dwProcessStatus == STILL_ACTIVE))

        DWORD dwTID = 0;    // dummy variable as we don't need to track the thread ID
        UINT uExitCode = 0; // dummy variable... ExitProcess has no return value

        HINSTANCE hKernel = GetModuleHandleA("kernel32.dll");
        FARPROC pfnExitProc = GetProcAddress(hKernel, "ExitProcess");
        hRemoteThread = CreateRemoteThread(
                            hProcess,           /* process handle */
                            nullptr,            /* default security descriptor */
                            0,                  /* initial size of stack in bytes is default
                                                   size for executable */
                            reinterpret_cast<LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE>(pfnExitProc), /* Win32 ExitProcess() */
                            reinterpret_cast<PVOID>(uExitCode),   /* ExitProcess() dummy return... */
                            0,                  /* value of 0 tells thread to run immediately
                                                   after creation */
                            &dwTID);            /* new remote thread's identifier */


Step 4: Wait for the process to terminate, then close the termination thread handle so that the process can fully exit and then the duplicated process handle (if this was created successfully). If the termination thread finished successfully, then we know that the process terminated. If, however, there was no termination thread, then the function must fall back to terminate the process TerminateProcess(), which is less than ideal but much better than nothing at all.

    bool bHasExited = false;

    if (hRemoteThread)
        WaitForSingleObject(hProcess, INFINITE); // wait for process to terminate, never stop waiting...
        CloseHandle(hRemoteThread);              // close the thread handle to allow the process to exit
        bHasExited = true;

    // need to close this duplicated process handle...
    if (bHaveDuplHdl)

    if (bHasExited)
        return osl_Process_E_None;

    // fallback - given that we we wait for an infinite time on WaitForSingleObject, this should
    // never occur... unless CreateRemoteThread failed
    SAL_WARN("sal.osl", "TerminateProcess(hProcess, 0) called - we should never get here!");
    return (TerminateProcess(hProcess, 0) == FALSE) ? osl_Process_E_Unknown : osl_Process_E_None;


The following example can be found on my private branch in the LO git repository:


#include <sal/config.h>
#include <sal/main.h>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
#include <rtl/alloc.h>
#include <osl/thread.h>
#include <osl/file.h>

#include <osl/process.h>

#include <cstdio>

    oslProcess aProcess;

    fprintf(stdout, "Execute process.\n");

    rtl_uString *pustrExePath = nullptr;

    rtl_uString *pTempExePath = nullptr;
    sal_uInt32 nLastChar;

    nLastChar = rtl_ustr_lastIndexOfChar(rtl_uString_getStr(pustrExePath), SAL_PATHDELIMITER);
    rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt(&pTempExePath, pustrExePath, nLastChar, rtl_ustr_getLength(rtl_uString_getStr(pustrExePath)), nullptr);
    pustrExePath = pTempExePath;

#if defined(_WIN32)
#  define BATCHFILE "\\..\\sal\\workben\\osl\\batchwait.bat"
#  define BATCHFILE "/../../../sal/workben/osl/"

    rtl_uString_newConcatAsciiL(&pustrExePath, pustrExePath, BATCHFILE, BATCHFILE_LENGTH);

    oslProcessError osl_error = osl_executeProcess(
        pustrExePath,           // process to execute
        nullptr,                // no arguments
        0,                      // no arguments
        osl_Process_NORMAL,     // process execution mode
        nullptr,                // security context is current user
        nullptr,                // current working directory inherited from parent process
        nullptr,                // no environment variables
        0,                      // no environment variables
        &aProcess);              // process handle


    if (osl_error != osl_Process_E_None)
        fprintf(stderr, "Process failed\n");

    fprintf(stdout, "    Process running...\n");
    osl_error = osl_terminateProcess(aProcess);
    if (osl_error == osl_Process_E_None)
        fprintf(stdout, "    ...process terminated.\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "    ... process could not be terminated.\n");


    return 0;


@echo off
echo "Hello world"
goto start


while true
    echo "Hello world"
    sleep 1

Last updated

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