
A computer program consists of one or many threads of execution. Each thread represents the smallest sequence of programmed instructions that can be managed independently by a scheduler. LibreOffice's OSL can manage multiple threads of execution, which exist within the LibreOffice process.

Thread creation

In OSL, threads are encapsulated by the Thread class. This class has been designed to be inherited - to use it, derive your thread class from Thread and implement the run() function, and if necessary implement the onTerminated() function.

To create a new thread, you first call upon the ThreadClassName::create() function - which actually calls upon osl::Thread::create() - and you then implement your functionality in ThreadClassName::run(), which is a pure virtual function in osl::Thread::run(). Only one thread can be executing at any time, however whilst you can create a new thread and have it run immediately via the create() function, but you can also create a suspended thread until you decide to unsuspend it to do work via createSuspended().


A very basic example can be found in the SAL unit tests - navigate to sal/qa/osl/thread/test_thread.cxx and review the test class, also named Thread:

osl::Condition global;

class Thread: public osl::Thread
    explicit Thread(osl::Condition &cond) : m_cond(cond) {}

    virtual void SAL_CALL run() {}
    virtual void SAL_CALL onTerminated();

    osl::Condition &m_cond;

void Thread::onTerminated() 
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(osl::Condition::result_ok, global.wait());

(We will get to osl::Condition soon)

The unit test creates 50 Thread instances, which each call the create() function. It then has each thread instance wait on one global condition variable. Once all the threads have been created the main thread sets the global condition variable, which "wakes up" all of the created threads and the main thread then waits for 20 seconds to give each of the threads time to complete fully before the program in turn terminates itself.

The unit test function is a very basic example of the use of a monitor:

void test() 
    for (int i = 0; i < 50; ++i) {
        osl::Condition c;
        Thread t(c);
        // Make sure virtual Thread::run/onTerminated are called before Thread::~Thread:
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(osl::Condition::result_ok, c.wait());

    // Make sure Thread::~Thread is called before each spawned thread terminates:

    // Give the spawned threads enough time to terminate:

To run the thread via the CPPUnit test framework, the test repeats a loop 50 times that creates an osl::Condition object instance (which is a condition variable), then the newly derived Thread class is used to instantiate a new thread instance, passing in the condition variable. The thread is then created via the osl:Thread::create() function, and whilst this thread is being created returns control to the main thread which then waits for this thread's condition variable to be set.

The thread is created via a low level C-based OSL thread API function, which sets a global callback function threadFunc() that when invoked calls on the thread'sosl::Thread:run() function and then calls on the thread'sosl::Thread::onTerminated() function. As the run() function essentially does nothing, the onTerminated() function runs immediately. This termination function flags the threads condition variable, which wakes up the main thread so it can process the next thread it wants to create in the loop. The termination function then waits on a global condition variable global. In essense what happens is that each thread gets created, runs itself, then makes its termination function wait for all the threads to also run and get into the termination phase of their lifecycle.

Once each of the threads are created the main thread sets the global condition variable, which all the threads are waiting to be changed so they can continue terminating. To be sure that everything is processed fully, the main thread then waits 20 seconds before it too terminates.

Condition variables

What, you may ask, is a "condition variable"? A condition variable is essentially an object that is initially cleared which a thread waits on until it is "set". It allows a thread to synchronize execution by allowing other threads to wait for the condition to change before that thread then continues execution. LibreOffice's OSL implements this idiom via the osl::Condition class. This is the equivalent of the C++ Standard Template Library's std::condition_variable, however it is nowhere near as robust, and in fact has been deprecated in favor of this anyway. Nonetheless, it is still used so it is worthwhile explaining.

osl::Condition works by first instantiating a new instance of the condition, and a thread then calls on it's wait() function (which has an optional timeout parameter). The condition starts as false, and then when condition has been met, then the condition variable's set() function is called which releases all waiting threads.

A condition variable can be reused via the reset() function, which sets the condition back to false. It also has a check() function which checks if the condition is set without blocking execution.

Thread operations

Threads can be suspended via the suspend() function, suspended threads can later be resumed via the resume() function. A thread can be put to sleep for a time via the wait() function, which takes a TimeValue instance to specify the time the thread should be sleeping for. A thread can also wait for another thread to wait for the completion of another thread by calling on the other thread's join() function, or if it has no work it can call on the Yeild() function to place itself at the bottom of the queue of scheduled threads, then relinquish control to the next thread. And of course, a thread can end itself by calling on the terminate() function. If you want to see if a thread is running, then call isRunning().

A thread uses the schedule() function to indicate to the thread scheduler that it is ready to be given control and waits for the scheduler to unsuspend it. A common and basic use of the schedule() function is to :

void SAL_CALL run() override
    while (schedule()) {
        printf("Called schedule() again");

What happens here is that a loop is started that calls schedule() each time until the thread terminates. All schedule() does is to check or wait for the thread to be unsuspended, after which it checks if the thread has been terminated and if so then it returns false - thus ending the loop. Otherwise schedule() returns true and the loop continues.

Threads can be given higher or lower priorities, which effects the thread scheduler of the operating system. This is largely operating system dependent. Linux, for instance, by default uses a round robin scheduler, which works by allocating a time slice to each thread of each priority level. The threads at the highest priority level will be run first, each running for the timeslice allocated them, then will be suspended and the scheduler will move on to execute the next thread for it's timeslice, and so on. Once no threads need to execute anything, it drops to the priority below it and executes all these theads in a round robin fashion until it too has no more active threads. The scheduler eventually drops to the lowest priority and does the same on these threads.

A thread's priority is set via setPriority() and getPriority().


As resources are shared between multiple threads due to the threads being in the same process, mechanisms to allow threads to gain exclusive access to theses resources are needed to ensure that race conditions do not occur. Once such mechanism is the mutex, which is short for "mututal exclusion". Mutexes act as a way of allowing a thread to use or modify a resource to the exclusion of all other threads.

Base osl::Mutex class

The osl::Mutex class is the base class that defines a mutual exclusion synchronization object. A newly instantiated Mutex object calls on the lower level C-based osl_createMutex() function, and this mutex is later destroyed by osl_destroyMutex() via the Mutexdestructor. Once the mutex has been created, the program then attempts to acquire() the mutex which involves reserving it for the sole use of the current thread, or if it is in use already the program blocks execution (i.e. temporarily stops doing anything) until the mutex is released by the thread holding it, after which the current thread "acquires" the mutex exclusively. Once the critical bit of work is done, the thread releases the mutex via the release() function, which allows other previous blocked threads to acquire the mutex, or if none are blocked allows new threads to acquire the mutex exclusively.

Note! if using a osl::Mutex object directly, then you should first release the mutex and _then _delete the object. This is because the osl_destroyMutex() function only releases the underlying operating system structures and frees the data structure. Destroying the mutex before unlocking it can lead to undefined behaviour on some platforms - the most notable being POSIX-based systems which uses pthread_mutex_destroy - IEEE Std 1003.1-2008, 2016 Edition states that:

"Attempting to destroy a locked mutex, or a mutex that another thread is attempting to lock, or a mutex that is being used in a pthread_cond_timedwait() or pthread_cond_wait() call by another thread, results in undefined behavior."

A further primitive function provided by the osl::Mutex class is the rather oddly named tryToAcquire() function, which attempts to acquire the mutex, but unlike the regular acquire function which blocks the thread, this function just returns an error if another thread holds the mutex.

osl::Mutex also provides for a "global mutex", which can be acquired by calling osl::Mutex::getGlobalMutex(). This static class function acts as a critical section for LibreOffice code - in other words, once in the critical section the thread gains exclusive access to that section of code and any thread that needs access to it will block until the thread holding the global mutex releases it.


The osl::Mutex class can and is used in LibreOffice code, however often what happens is that a mutex is applied in a function and then is released just before the function returns. Consequently, a safer "guard" class was developed which releases the mutex once the mutex is destroyed.

Guards are implemented by a base, templatized class named osl::Guard. This is derived from osl::Mutex and takes a generic template parameter, which expects a class that implements the acquire() and release() functions. It works in much the same way as a mutex, except that when the object is deleted the destructor of the osl::Guard class releases the mutex it is guarding, and, due to the rules for object destruction in C++ the osl::Mutex destructor is then invoked which destroys the operating system structures and underlying mutex data structures.

The practical result of this is that if you need to keep a mutex running outside of a function, then you should not use a guard, but you will need to be very careful to release and then delete the mutex object manually. If, as is most often the case, you want to keep the mutex till the function returns, then an osl::Guard based object is perfect because the object will be destructed when the function returns, and thus the mutex will be released and freed automatically.

Other guard types

There are two other guard types in the OSL module: clearable guards and resettable guards.

A clearable guard - osl::ClearableGuard - is used to apply a mutex, which can be released in a more flexible manner but still be released and destroyed by the operating system automatically when the guard is destroyed. This class has the same interface as osl::Guard, but also includes the function clear() which releases the mutex, and then "clears" the mutex by setting the private mutex member variable to NULL.

An example in the LibreOffice code illustrates how this works - in this case, the example is in the VCL Unix-based Drag-n-Drop function DropTarget::drop():

void DropTarget::drop( const DropTargetDropEvent& dtde ) throw()
    osl::ClearableGuard< ::osl::Mutex > aGuard( m_aMutex );
    std::list< Reference< XDropTargetListener > > aListeners( m_aListeners );

    for( std::list< Reference< XDropTargetListener > >::iterator it = aListeners.begin(); it!= aListeners.end(); ++it )
        (*it)->drop( dtde );

Without going into the function or class in much detail, it is hopefully reasonably obvious what it is doing - it sends a drop event to all the drop listeners. However, it first needs to convert the member variable m_aListeners to a std::list of Reference<XDropTargetListener>s. This variable, however, must be accessed exclusively by only one thread at a time during this conversion process, so the code attempts to acquire the guard mutex m_aListeners first, which blocks till it can acquire the mutex. The m_aListeners is converted to a list, and once this is done the guard is cleared (in other words, the mutex is released). When the function ends the more expensive destruction of the mutex happens automatically, which allows the drop event to be sent as quickly as possible to the appropriate listeners, at the very small expense of not freeing up memory earlier.

A resettable guard - osl::ResettableGuard - on the other hand further enhances the clearable guard (it inherits from osl::ClearableGuard) by allowing a mutex to be reset, or in other words it tries to acquire the guard's mutex if it hasn't been acquired already. This can be useful if you have a block of code and you want to break up the code into multiple critical sections. For instance, the _toolkit _module has a resource listener class ResourceListener, which has the function ResourceListener::startListening() that has two critical areas:

void ResourceListener::startListening(
    const Reference< resource::XStringResourceResolver  >& rResource )
    Reference< util::XModifyBroadcaster > xModifyBroadcaster( rResource, UNO_QUERY );

        // --- SAFE ---
        ::osl::ResettableGuard < ::osl::Mutex > aGuard( m_aMutex );
        bool bListening( m_bListening );
        bool bResourceSet( );
        // --- SAFE ---

        if ( bListening && bResourceSet )

        // --- SAFE ---
        m_xResource = rResource;
        // --- SAFE ---

    Reference< util::XModifyListener > xThis( static_cast<OWeakObject*>( this ), UNO_QUERY );
    if ( )
            xModifyBroadcaster->addModifyListener( xThis );

            // --- SAFE ---
            ::osl::ResettableGuard < ::osl::Mutex > aGuard( m_aMutex );
            m_bListening = true;
            // --- SAFE ---
        catch (const RuntimeException&)
        catch (const Exception&)

The first critical section must check the mb_Listening flag and check if the m_xResource is instantiated. Because the resource listener can change at any time, there could be a situation where the listener changes state from start to stop (or vice versa) whilst checking to see if the resource has been instantiated. Thus a mutex guard is necessary to ensure anything that wants to modify these variables blocks until the function is done checking the resource has been instantiated. Once this is done, the guard is cleared withaGuard.clear().

At this point if the resource listener is not listening and the resource hasn't been set, then it must stop the listener. As soon as this check completes, however, the resource listener needs to set it's resource to the new resource supplied to the function. To do so requires a mutex to prevent a race condition, so rather than setup a new guard instance, it just calls on aGuard.reset() sets the resource and then clears the guard once again.

To wrap up these functions to ensure that no code instantiates a class with an incompatible interface, the following typedefs are defined:

    typedef Guard<Mutex> MutexGuard;
    typedef ClearableGuard<Mutex> ClearableMutexGuard;
    typedef ResettableGuard< Mutex > ResettableMutexGuard;

Threading example

As with most things in LibreOffice, there is a unit test available that shows how things should work. In this case, we will examine the source code at sal/qa/osl/process/osl_Thread.cxx This is a comprehensive suite of threading unit tests based on CppUnit. The first test focuses on thread creation - it uses a thread class myThread designed for the purpose.

myThread is defined as the following:

/** Simple thread for testing Thread-create.

    Just add 1 to an initial value of 0, and after running the result should be 1.

class myThread : public Thread
    ThreadSafeValue<sal_Int32> m_aFlag;

    sal_Int32 getValue() { return m_aFlag.getValue(); }

    /** guarded value which initialized 0

        @see ThreadSafeValue
    void SAL_CALL run() override

    virtual void SAL_CALL suspend() override

    virtual ~myThread() override
            if (isRunning())
                t_print("error: not terminated.\n");


We will temporarily ignore mutexes for now and focus on the thread concepts I discussed above. Note that ThreadSafeValue is a templatized class created for this test that allows a thread to gain exclusive access to the value without any other thread interfering with it. It is defined as:

template <class T>
class ThreadSafeValue
    T       m_nFlag;
    Mutex   m_aMutex;

    explicit ThreadSafeValue(T n = 0): m_nFlag(n) {}

    T getValue()
            // block if already acquired by another thread.
            osl::MutexGuard g(m_aMutex);
            return m_nFlag;

    void incValue()
            // only one thread operates on the flag.
            osl::MutexGuard g(m_aMutex);

    void acquire() { m_aMutex.acquire(); }
    void release() { m_aMutex.release(); }

There is nothing terribly remarkable about this class, however I do want to highlight the function incValue(), which as the name suggests just increments the flag member variable. As the type of this could be any type that implements the ++ operator, it may be that during the post-increment another thread might interleave due to a context switch and thus interfere with the operator function. Thus an osl::MutexGuard is set on the class' m_aMutex mutex to ensure that this cannot occur.

We have already seen how a thread is created, but it might be instructive to see how the thread is created in the unit test.

void create_001()
    myThread* newthread = new myThread();
    bool bRes = newthread->create();
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Can not create a new thread!\n", bRes);

    ThreadHelper::thread_sleep_tenth_sec(1);    // wait short
    bool isRunning = newthread->isRunning();    // check if thread is running
    /// wait for the new thread to assure it has run
    sal_Int32 nValue = newthread->getValue();
    /// to assure the new thread has terminated
    delete newthread;

    printf("   nValue = %d\n", (int) nValue);
    printf("isRunning = %s\n", isRunning ? "true" : "false");

        "Creates a new thread",
        nValue >= 1 && isRunning


The termAndJoinThread() function terminates a running thread and then joins it (i.e. blocks the current thread until the joined thread finishes). The function is defined as:

void termAndJoinThread(Thread* _pThread)

// Windows feature???, a suspended thread can not terminated, so we have to wake it up
#ifdef _WIN32

    printf("#wait for join.\n");

The ThreadHelper class does as it suggests, it just makes the thread sleep for a specified period of time. The test just creates a new thread based on the myThread instance, checks to see if the thread is running and then runs it. myThread's run() function increments the thread safe value by 1. Therefore the test should return:

   nValue = 1
isRunning = true

Example 2: a monitor

The following example can be found in my private branch of the LibreOffice git repository. It implements a monitor using the low level C threading API to solve the producer-consumer problem.


#include <sal/main.h>
#include <osl/mutex.h>
#include <osl/conditn.h>
#include <osl/thread.h>

#include <cstdio>
#include <cassert>

#define BUFFER_SIZE 10

bool queue[9];
sal_uInt32 nItemCount = 0;

oslCondition fullOrEmpty;
oslMutex queueMutex;
oslThread producer, consumer;

void add();
void remove();

void produce(void*);
void consume(void*);

    fprintf(stdout, "Producer/consumer problem - demonstrates mutex, condition variables and threads.\n");

    queueMutex = osl_createMutex();
    fullOrEmpty = osl_createCondition();

    producer = osl_createThread(produce, nullptr);
    consumer = osl_createThread(consume, nullptr);


    return 0;

void produce(void* /* pData */)

        /* producer monitor - first acquire exclusive access to
           the queue, if the queue is full then wait till there
           is space made available. Once the queue is no longer
           full, then notify that this is the case.

        while (nItemCount == BUFFER_SIZE-1)
            /* we aren't doing anything to the queue, so release
               the mutex and then reacquire it after waiting.
               Without this, we eventually hit a "missed wakeup"
               condition, whereby the thread is sleeping due to
               waiting on the condition variable, but another
               thread preemptively switched right before the
               thread went to sleep and another thread sets the
               condition variable... but of course then it switches
               back to this thread which then waits forever as it
               has missed its wakeup event...
            osl_waitCondition(fullOrEmpty, nullptr);

        fprintf(stdout, "produce()\n");




    fprintf(stderr, "exit produce()!\n");

void consume(void* /* pData */)

        /* consumer monitor - first acquire exclusive access to the
           queue, if the queue is empty then wait till something is
           produced. Once the queue is no longer empty, then notify
           that this is the case.

        while (nItemCount == 0)
            /* We aren't doing anything to the queue, so release
               the mutex and then reacquire it after waiting. See
               comments in produce() for the reasoning.
            osl_waitCondition(fullOrEmpty, nullptr);

        fprintf(stdout, "consume()\n");




    fprintf(stderr, "exit consume()!\n");

void add()
    queue[nItemCount] = true;

    fprintf(stdout, "Adding to queue - item %d added.\n", nItemCount);

    assert(nItemCount <= BUFFER_SIZE-1);

void remove()
    queue[nItemCount] = false;

    fprintf(stdout, "Removing from queue - item %d removed.\n", nItemCount);

    assert(nItemCount >= 0);

Comparison with the C++11 thread support library

In C++11 thread support was added to the Standard Template Library. The support is more extensive than what is in the OSL, and it covers everything that is handled in the OSL module. A comparison of the two libraries is interesting, and in fact I personally feel that it would be better if we gradually moved all the thread functionality to the STL and make C++11 a hard prerequisite.

std::thread vs osl::Thread



Creation: Threads created and executed immediately via constructor. Can take a function and an argument.

Creation: Threads first created via constructor, then via the create() function

Execution: Executed immediately after thread constructed

Execution: After thread created, via the run() function

Join: join()function call - calling thread blocks until called thread instance finishes

Join: join() function call - calling thread blocks until called thread instance finishes

Sleep: sleep_for( std::chrono_duration& ) sleep_until( std::chrono::time_point& )

Sleep: static function - wait( const TimeValue& )

Yeild: yield() - function is only a hint to the implementation that the thread needs to be rescheduled, how this is done is usually operating system/platform dependent

Yeild: Yield() - moves thread to the bottom of the scheduled thread pool; in OSL the Schedule() function waits for the thread to unsuspend, and returns false if it has terminated, otherwise returns true

std::mutex vs osl::Mutex



Gain exclusive access: lock() - blocks until access granted try_lock() - lock attempted, if not gained then returns immediately (non-blocking)

Gain exclusive access: acquire() - blocks until access granted tryToAcquire() - lock attempted, if not gained then returns immediately (non-blocking)

Release exclusive access: unlock()

Release exclusive access: release()

Note: std::lock_guard takes a std::mutex as it's template parameter, whilst osl::MutexGuard is the corresponding typedef in OSL

std::condition_variable vs osl::Condition



Notify: notify_one() - notify only one specific thread notify_all() - notify all waiting threads

Notify: set() - notifies thread waiting on condition variable that it can start execution again

Waiting: wait(std::unique_lock<std::mutex>) - blocks the current thread until the conditional variable is woken up wait_for(std::unique_lock<std::mutex>, std::chrono_duration, Predicate) - blocks the current thread until the conditional variable is woken up, or till a particular time wait_until(std::unique_lock<std::mutex>, const std::chrono::duration& rel_time, Duration) - blocks the current thread until the conditional variable is woken up, or the timer runs out

Waiting: wait(Timer&) - blocks the current thread until the conditional variable. Optionally takes a timer as a time out value


Threads are created via the osl_createThread() or osl_createSuspendedThread() functions (osl_createSuspendedThread() calls osl_createThread(pWorker, pThreadData, CREATE_SUSPENDED)). Each takes an oslWorkerFunction function pointer and a thread data parameter. The Unix implementation works by calling on osl_thread_create_Impl():

Step 1: initialize the thread. The thread structure initializes and unlocks a mutex via pthread_mutex_init, initializes a condition variable via pthread_cond_destroy; the mutex is then locked and the stack size is set.

static oslThread osl_thread_create_Impl (
    oslWorkerFunction pWorker,
    void*             pThreadData,
    short             nFlags)
    Thread_Impl* pImpl;
#if defined OPENBSD || ((defined MACOSX || defined LINUX) && !ENABLE_RUNTIME_OPTIMIZATIONS)
    pthread_attr_t attr;
    size_t stacksize;
    int nRet=0;

    pImpl = osl_thread_construct_Impl();
    if (!pImpl)
        return nullptr; /* ENOMEM */

    pImpl->m_WorkerFunction = pWorker;
    pImpl->m_pData = pThreadData;
    pImpl->m_Flags = nFlags | THREADIMPL_FLAGS_STARTUP;

    pthread_mutex_lock (&(pImpl->m_Lock));

#if defined OPENBSD || ((defined MACOSX || defined LINUX) && !ENABLE_RUNTIME_OPTIMIZATIONS)
    if (pthread_attr_init(&attr) != 0)
        return nullptr;

#if defined OPENBSD
    stacksize = 262144;
    stacksize = 12 * 1024 * 1024; // 8MB is not enough for ASAN on x86-64
    if (pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attr, stacksize) != 0) {
        return nullptr;

Step 2: the thread is created with default thread attributes, and calls upon osl_thread_start_Impl(), which takes a pointer to a Thread_Impl variable. If the thread fails then the mutex is unlocked, the thread destroyed and a nullptr returned.

    if ((nRet = pthread_create (
#if defined OPENBSD || ((defined MACOSX || defined LINUX) && !ENABLE_RUNTIME_OPTIMIZATIONS)
        static_cast<void*>(pImpl))) != 0)
            "pthread_create failed with " << nRet << " \"" << strerror(nRet)
                << "\"");

        pthread_mutex_unlock (&(pImpl->m_Lock));
        osl_thread_destruct_Impl (&pImpl);

        return nullptr;

Step 3: Once the new thread has been created, wait for a change of state from STARTUP to ACTIVE, after which the thread mutex is unlocked and the thread is returned.

#if defined OPENBSD || ((defined MACOSX || defined LINUX) && !ENABLE_RUNTIME_OPTIMIZATIONS)

    /* wait for change from STARTUP to ACTIVE state */
    while (pImpl->m_Flags & THREADIMPL_FLAGS_STARTUP)
        /* wait until STARTUP flag is cleared */
        pthread_cond_wait (&(pImpl->m_Cond), &(pImpl->m_Lock));

    pthread_mutex_unlock (&(pImpl->m_Lock));

    return static_cast<oslThread>(pImpl);

Last updated

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